Taif betting odds

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6:05 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Aefaasah
  • Alia
  • Hapipi Go Lucky
  • Israaj
  • Nashe'ah
  • Notation
  • Palerma
  • Pretty Flag
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Theqatee
  • Dream Biz
  • More Ginebra
  • Tawaqah
  • Floating Spirit
  • Gradulations
  • Juju
  • Trop Prete
  • Aljood

5:35 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Mortajeh
  • Ibn Hadhbaan
  • Mahroot
  • Yaktaseh
  • Alasrah
  • Kareem
  • Orayman
  • Tarabott
  • Baz'aan
  • Fanar
  • Toronto
  • Yamtaz
  • Najm Alwaseel
  • Shibl Lat'taam
  • Ameerat Fahd
  • Shibl Alharaaq
  • Ssaab
  • Motaraqiah
  • Emtaaz
  • Khanajer
  • Obayat Almohamadia
  • Qorb Alwaed
  • Ya Hab'thaa

5:00 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Alhareth
  • Bariz
  • Fakir Du Pouy
  • Fawaz Vii
  • Ghashamsham Al Jasra
  • Hashem
  • John D'vialettes
  • Khateer Alkhalediah
  • Meblish
  • Nayar Athbah
  • Rb Game Over
  • Tawaaq Al Khalediah
  • Thayer Athbah
  • Aldaifr Jawdah
  • Bairaq Alhezam
  • Shibl Goodah
  • Pharitz Al Jazi
  • Rakoud Al Ansari

4:30 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Aseel Goodah
  • Hadad Althahb
  • Masha'a Allah Aliat Najd
  • Saif Barzan
  • Shahed Goodah
  • Mohabat El Medam
  • Montherah Alammal
  • Mubashirat Alhasin
  • Riana
  • Shoug Al Shbibiah

4:00 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Ana Alsaef
  • Ala Bali
  • Sahm Towaiq
  • Sejaar
  • Ssahal
  • Wafee Al'ong
  • Sahm Almuhamadia

3:30 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled - Off Time: 15:32:00

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Crossed Baton
  • Al Wahiss
  • Giewont
  • Haafy
  • Master Skills
  • Motafared
  • Yemken
  • Abo Khalaf
  • Beehive
  • Shokran
  • Talentum
  • Alzaaem
  • Mojawzal
  • Single Minded
  • Taez'wite
  • Wardat Almayadeen
  • Hadb
  • Jammran
  • Pantera Nera
  • Tudor
  • Jodia

3:00 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled - Off Time: 15:02:51

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Alnajim Alhaadhr
  • Mof'kherat Watan
  • Motasameh
  • Polaris
  • Yosh'ker
  • Mosak'kar
  • Aaly So'oud
  • Mantooqat Aljeed
  • Noor Alaelya'a
  • Zam'mar
  • Mosaareh
  • As'saab
  • Mosharhebah
  • Akhlaaq
  • Alanwar

2:30 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled - Off Time: 14:31:22

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Merba Alaez
  • Estawheb
  • Khalid Almuhamadia
  • Alrafe'ah
  • Tawee Albaeed
  • Til Alfahd
  • Shathah
  • Ibn Almolhib
  • Qawaa'h Allah
  • Aein Alsaheb

2:00 Taif - Results

0 Ran - Settled - Off Time: 14:01:40

Pos. Dist. No. Stall Selection Jockey Trainer SP Tote Win Tote Place

Non runners:

  • Adham Almeydan
  • Aesees
  • Ap Spirit
  • Atar
  • Mahbook
  • Mowasa
  • Nemr Alhijaz
  • Nishyaan
  • Taraheeb
  • Wahed
  • Yqa'aed Alraas
  • Desert Gold
  • Princess Code

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